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Get the flexible coverage you need and give your kids a fun and enriching experience with a babysitter from Sittercity.

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Families who share what they need in a job post are 5x more likely to find their new favorite sitter! Narrow down your applicants with:

  • Detailed profiles with bio and experience
  • Professional references & parent reviews
  • Multiple background check options
  • Secure messaging to set up interviews
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Sittercity is efficient and trustworthy and has helped me in a bind many times. I’ve found multiple sitters here.

Annika D.

Portland, OR

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  • Before/After-School Sitters
  • Homework Help Sitters
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  • Newborn/Infant Sitters
  • Date Night Babysitterse
  • CPR/First-Aid Certified
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Frequently Asked Babysitter Questions

  • The national typical hourly rate of babysitters in 2024 is $20.00 per hour. Rates can vary based on your babysitter's experience, certifications, and travel expenses. When calculating the cost of child care, you should also account for the number of children they'll care for and additional responsibilities like household tasks or homework help. Learn more about how to set competitive rates for attracting the best babysitters.

  • The best way to find babysitters near you is to post a job detailing your needs on Sittercity, which will be shared with our community of available babysitters. We'll notify you when sitters apply to your job, and from there you can proceed with interviews, background checks, and reference checks so you can find the perfect fit for your family.

  • You can find experienced and passionate babysitters and nannies near you to provide the best care for your child—either in-home or virtually. Child caregivers can help families with managing strict schedules, transportation to activities, homework help, last-minute coverage, date nights, and more. Whatever occasion you're looking to find child care for—including full-time, part-time, or last-minute care—you can count on Sittercity for finding passionate and experienced providers.

  • Families can find trustworthy sitters and nannies on Sittercity who are passionate about providing safe and enriching care for their children. Many sitters report they are First Aid and CPR certified to provide the best care for your family. They can complete regular background checks, and you can easily request a recent background check if they don’t have one or it’s not recent. Families can also request to see professional references. Our dedicated team champions safety across our platform every day. Sitters go through an identity verification process with Berbix when registering an account. Some additional safety measures include Family Watchdog screening, sitter reviews, and secure messaging.

  • Babysitters and nannies share the same primary responsibility of providing safe and enriching care for your child, but there are a few differences between them. Babysitters are typically hired for occasional work on an irregular schedule. If you’re looking for last-minute care for date night, or the occasional few hours after school, a babysitter is a great option. Nannies, on the other hand, are more commonly associated with regular work, whether full or part-time, offering daily or consistent care to a particular family. There are also several different types of nannies, including au pairs, house managers, doulas, live-in, and overnight nannies. Identifying the type and frequency of child care you’ll need is the best way to decide whether a babysitter or nanny is a better fit for your family.

  • Babysitters on Sittercity love providing enriching experiences for your children, and sharing their passions with them. They're happy to participate in outdoor activities like sports, or indoor activities like music, baking, tutoring help, and art. Wherever your child's interests lie, sitters on Sittercity are prepared to engage them in a nurturing way.

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